Programmatic Navigation with React Router

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asked 6 months ago Asked


1 Answers



How can I implement programmatic navigation in a React application using React Router? Specifically, I want to:

  1. Navigate to a different route from within a function or an event handler (e.g., after a form submission or button click).
  2. Use the useNavigate Hook (for React Router v6) or useHistory Hook (for React Router v5) to achieve navigation.
  3. Pass state or parameters when navigating to a new route.
  4. Handle navigation in a class component (if needed).

Can you provide a detailed explanation and code examples demonstrating how to set this up?

1 Answers

Concepts we'll cover:

  1. useNavigate Hook (React Router v6): Allows for navigation between routes programmatically in functional components.
  2. useHistory Hook (React Router v5): Used for programmatic navigation in React Router v5.
  3. Passing State/Parameters: Demonstrates how to pass data when navigating.
  4. Navigation in Class Components: Covers how to navigate programmatically in class components using React Router.

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Initialize a React Application with React Router

First, make sure you have React Router installed:

For React Router v6:

npm install react-router-dom

For React Router v5:

npm install react-router-dom@^5

This sets up React Router in your React application.

2. Set Up Basic Routes

Create a basic routing setup with a few routes for navigation.

File Structure:

src/ |-- App.js |-- pages/ | |-- HomePage.js | |-- AboutPage.js | |-- Dashboard.js


import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; import HomePage from './pages/HomePage'; import AboutPage from './pages/AboutPage'; import Dashboard from './pages/Dashboard'; function App() { return ( <Router> <Routes> <Route path="/" element={<HomePage />} /> <Route path="/about" element={<AboutPage />} /> <Route path="/dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} /> </Routes> </Router> ); } export default App;

3. Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate (React Router v6)

File: src/pages/HomePage.js

Let's implement programmatic navigation in the HomePage component using the useNavigate hook (React Router v6).

import React from 'react'; import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; const HomePage = () => { const navigate = useNavigate(); const goToAboutPage = () => { // Navigate to the About page navigate('/about'); }; const goToDashboardWithState = () => { // Navigate to the Dashboard page with some state navigate('/dashboard', { state: { userId: 123 } }); }; return ( <div> <h1>Home Page</h1> <button onClick={goToAboutPage}>Go to About Page</button> <button onClick={goToDashboardWithState}>Go to Dashboard with State</button> </div> ); }; export default HomePage;


  • useNavigate Hook:

    • useNavigate is used to navigate programmatically. It's similar to useHistory in React Router v5 but is specific to v6.
    • navigate('/about') redirects the user to the /about route.
    • navigate('/dashboard', { state: { userId: 123 } }) navigates to /dashboard and passes state along with the navigation.
  • Accessing State:

    • The state passed during navigation can be accessed in the target component using useLocation or directly in the route’s props.

4. Accessing Passed State in Target Component

File: src/pages/Dashboard.js

import React from 'react'; import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; const Dashboard = () => { const location = useLocation(); const { userId } = location.state || {}; return ( <div> <h1>Dashboard</h1> {userId ? <p>User ID: {userId}</p> : <p>No User ID provided.</p>} </div> ); }; export default Dashboard;


  • useLocation Hook:
    • useLocation retrieves the current location object, which includes the state passed from the previous navigation.
    • We can destructure userId from the state and use it in the Dashboard component.

5. Programmatic Navigation with useHistory (React Router v5)

If you're working with React Router v5, you'll use useHistory instead of useNavigate.

File: src/pages/HomePage.js (React Router v5)

import React from 'react'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; const HomePage = () => { const history = useHistory(); const goToAboutPage = () => { // Navigate to the About page history.push('/about'); }; const goToDashboardWithState = () => { // Navigate to the Dashboard page with some state history.push('/dashboard', { state: { userId: 123 } }); }; return ( <div> <h1>Home Page</h1> <button onClick={goToAboutPage}>Go to About Page</button> <button onClick={goToDashboardWithState}>Go to Dashboard with State</button> </div> ); }; export default HomePage;


  • useHistory Hook:
    • useHistory is the equivalent of useNavigate in React Router v5. It provides methods like push and replace for navigation.
    • history.push('/about') navigates to the /about route.
    • history.push('/dashboard', { state: { userId: 123 } }) navigates to /dashboard with state.

6. Programmatic Navigation in Class Components

For class components, use the withRouter higher-order component (HOC) to inject routing props.

File: src/pages/ClassComponentExample.js

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; class ClassComponentExample extends Component { goToAboutPage = () => { // Navigate to the About page this.props.history.push('/about'); }; goToDashboardWithState = () => { // Navigate to the Dashboard page with some state this.props.history.push('/dashboard', { state: { userId: 123 } }); }; render() { return ( <div> <h1>Class Component Example</h1> <button onClick={this.goToAboutPage}>Go to About Page</button> <button onClick={this.goToDashboardWithState}>Go to Dashboard with State</button> </div> ); } } export default withRouter(ClassComponentExample);


  • withRouter HOC:
    • withRouter injects history, location, and match props into the class component.
    • this.props.history.push('/about') navigates to the specified route programmatically.

Comparison and Best Practices

  • useNavigate (React Router v6):

    • Modern and recommended for new projects.
    • Provides a simplified and consistent API for navigation.
  • useHistory (React Router v5):

    • Still widely used in existing projects.
    • Supports navigation with methods like push, replace, and goBack.
  • State Passing:

    • Both hooks (useNavigate and useHistory) support passing state with navigation, making it easy to transfer data between routes.
  • Class Components:

    • For class components, withRouter is essential for accessing routing props, enabling programmatic navigation.


Programmatic navigation is a key feature of React Router that allows you to navigate users based on specific logic within your application. Whether you're using the modern useNavigate hook in React Router v6 or the useHistory hook in React Router v5, you can easily control the flow of your application.

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